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 1.) ohmygod that Justice League trailer...dying to see this, not objective at all, but even i can't reconcile the utter ridiculousness of this supposedly existing  in the same Terrence Malick-looking world established in Man of Steel. Still, those 5 seconds of JK Simmons as Commisioner Gordon = best thing i've seen all year.

2.) This is Leland in an alt cosplay look inspired by the Major, from Ghost in the Shell.  Saw first 10 minutes of the movie in imax like a month ago...loved it, will be in line thursday night to see the rest.  Zip here:  https://we.tl/WwH7oxz6ZV

3.) Please let's not share the links or content posted here, yeah? It's $4 a month, every shekel of which goes into making this junk. If people want to see this shit, just let them pay so we can make more and/or improve on what we're already doing. kthanksman

4.)  Speaking of Malick, i read shit like this ( http://ew.com/movies/2017/03/11/song-to-song-ew-review/?preview_id=5595062 ), and i'm ever so thankful Kubrick left before having to contend with current gen critics.




Love it


Those who can't create, critique.


That blue lipstick just WORKS on her.


very nice


"Retrograde much?" Sure, bisexuality doesn't exist at all. Jesus, that fucking review.