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hey. the good news: you're still not being charged for this shit, and i'm still shooting + working on it.  the bad news: i very much don't know what i'm doing, and every day it feels more like human creative output is destined for imminent irrelevance.

Anyway, here's a vintage Kat set (circa ~2013), recently ai edited, featuring a look that was meant to resemble the stillsuits from David Lynch's Dune. 

Loved the Villeneuve 2021 film, trailer for this year's Part 2 is nose-bleedingly gorgeous, and utterly dying to see Christopher Walken as the Emperor...but (to me) the Lynch version remains not only the superior take on the novel, it's up there with the likes of Blade Runner and Watchmen as one of the greatest adaptations our species has ever produced.

You can dl the full set here:  https://we.tl/t-fCVea9dcsc




I love David Lynch's version. My parents required my brother and I to read the book before we saw the movie, and I'm glad they did. The movie came out when I was 12, but I was already reading sci fi, and the movie was much easier to understand because I'd read the book. I didn't force my kids to read the book before seeing the movie, but we paused often to explain what was going on.


I love that set! I always thought it was Matrix inspired :-D