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Yeah, i know...another fucking Harley Quinn set. Indulge me, though; i think this one is  worthwhile for the way Jordan wears that 51/50 bodysuit, and the gif with the google eyes as pasties is high on my list of best shit posted here over the last year.  Zip here:   https://we.tl/i6QzyJBRhN

Apologies for this being late, family emergency kinda protracted the holidy. Hope you all scored an outstanding array of gifts. 




a kiss can be even deadlier.


those fucking googly eyes are definitely taking everything to new heights. good job.


I suppose we'll forgive you this time for another Harley set, also next time, and any other time involving googly eyes or tits. Hmm, might be a little too easy going here...


No such thing as too much Harley Quinn....or Jordan, for that matter. Outstanding!


There might come a time when you need to apologize for a Harley Quinn set, but that time isn't now, and I don't foresee it any time in the near future.


I feel like I've lost half a day just watching that gif...