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Have been very much in awe of the character design coming out of League of Legends for awhile, so here's Jordan and Rylynn in a couple looks inspired by Jinx. Zip here:  https://we.tl/n0H75JKW1O

I'm currently at death's door from some genetically enhanced super flu. So bad that, for tax purposes, going to start treating food/drink expenditures as leases, rather than purchases. See you soon, leased McRib and Pibb...




Rockin' Jelly Bean levels have been achieved. Great set. (sorry to hear you're so sick, I honestly thought you were immune to all illness and disease from all those damn energy drinks.) When the McRibb and Pibb merge together, they shall return to this Earth as a singular entity known as Diet Mr. McPribb. Diet, because I'm assuming it'd be less than half the original calories by the time your lease is up.


Wouldn't have minded a few more of Rylynn, but Jordan. Wow. She just continues to knock my socks off. Sorry to hear about all the puking. Being sick royally sucks. Hopefully you're at least able to keep semi-hydrated.