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I've had a related project gestating all year, and now it looks like it will be realized as a free to mint limited NFT project, dropping before year's end. I know some/many have a visceral dislike of the concept of NFTs, and i'm not going to attempt to change your mind. If that's you, feel free to skip the wall of text below... 

What does Free-to-Mint mean?

It means you just need an ETH wallet that can store NFTs, like Metamask or many others, funded with like .01 Ethereum (~$14, at current market price as i write this.) You won't actually pay anything to mint/create an NFT. You will have to cover the Ethereum Gas Fees involved and getting the minted NFT to your wallet app, but none of that goes to me...that's just the cost of doing literally anything on the Ethereum network. 

Once all the Free to Mints are minted, however, that's when market forces take hold, and maybe some ultimately become worth something? Or maybe it never goes anywhere? I (and any others involved in this) are hoping for the former, as coded in will probably be a royalty whereby we collect a standard % of future resales (5 to 10% is generally accepted as standard in the NFT space, but nothing is nailed down, yet...) But any gains in monetary value are completely out of my hands, and best not to be relied on: all i can focus on is making the NFT content artistically interesting and worthwhile.


  • Nobody cares about them right now, so i'm not perceived as jumping on the bandwagon. This is a space that was full of scams, rugpulls, insane valuations and junk projects, months ago. I believe it will come back much better...
  • i honestly don't think we can currently comprehend the potential future impact of NFTs. Being able to participate in the downstream/future resale value of your art is the dream of every artist since at least the Renaissance, now realized. (Also, the potential use cases for NFTs go far beyond just a collectible art platform...but a cursory search on youtube will yield lots of experts far more qualified to go into details.)
  • ETH is relatively cheap right now, post-merge: ETH Gas Fees are pretty affordable at the moment...(as opposed to irl gas fees.)
  • the initial environmental impact concerns over NFTs seem to have been effectively answered with Ethereum's switch from Proof of Work (mining) to Proof of Stake.
  • it's a chance to work/work again with models who just do not want to appear on subscription platforms like Patreon + others...there's apparently a stigma attached to this on some levels, which sucks, but this has come up at least a few times over the last like 2 years.

The form below is going to be active and accepting submissions for the next 8 days. If you successfully complete the form within that time frame, you will 100% be in the first group to get an advance email notification of all the pertinent details on the drop.

[Submitting the form is not binding, or obligating you to do anything. Change your mind at any point? Just ignore the email alert whenever it comes.

Likewise being on this notification email does not guarantee you will be able to mint an NFT...all it ensures is you will be the first (outside of anyone working on the project) to know the pertinent details of the drop: when/where/etc. 

I really don't anticipate initial demand wildly outstripping supply, but 1.) have never done this 2.) the initial drop is going to be limited + small 3.) who knows with free shit? 4.) i'm dumb.]

Link removed 10/9.

*none of the above is investment advice, or a binding offer. I reserve the right to delay or cancel this project at any time due to unforeseen market fluctuations, my own incompetence, or any other reason. Any errors i've made in the above text are due to the fact that i am super dumb and have no idea what i'm doing. I have no control over, or responsibility for, the volatility of the Cryptocurrency market, or any risks related to Ethereum ownership or NFT transactions. Any questions/concerns, please leave them in the comments, will attempt to answer to the best of my ability.





I think I'm missing some fundamental in formation here. Like: What is an ETH? What is an NFT? What is Ethereum/ Ethereum Gas? What does this have to do with the art I come here for? Are you switching platforms? Does not getting this post mean I will miss out on a cool art project?


It's not that they were used for scams, they still are. It's just a jpeg image. NFT can die in a fire.


Yeah, I definitely understand this take, and I’m not going to try and convince anyone, otherwise. People saw easy money and created shit projects that left a stink all over the legit work happening in this space. Same happened with crypto, and is still happening now; but utter shit like bitconnect doesn’t diminish the brilliance of bitcoin. There are some real artists making unique content in the NFT space, and I’ve been extremely fortunate with the couple projects I’ve bought into/ supported (so far.) But I am also very much aware of the art theft, the plagiarism, the exploitation and thievery that have and still do happen with nfts, which is why this offering will happen on an established/more trusted marketplace, or won’t happen at all.


yeah, i could've explained this better - to take on the first part, here are some youtube links that all solidly introduce the key concepts of Ethereum / ETH and NFTs: NFT Intro Videos - all 3 of these are pretty solid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfDGFJwPbsE ~12 mins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgOGRVyO-TI ~13 mins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjsQMAd7_SA ~11 mins Ethereum / ETH explained https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYLXorNpLlE ~12 mins NFTs are Pointless - completely valid takedown of NFTs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_noey_NmZV0 ~10 mins