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Robin and Kat in some pics meant to pay homage to one of the most powerful pieces of fiction i've ever encountered, Ayn Rand's Anthem. Apologies in advance if this isn't your scene, this is as poilitical as i'll get on here. Zip:  https://we.tl/M3ztxbworl 

Anthem is out of copyright, freely available online , and it's a quick read; you can likely bang it out in a couple hours. If you somehow remain undecided about tomorrow's vote (bonus apologies if i'm presuming your nationality), and enjoy basic concepts like not looking at humanity as a cancer, appreciating some of the shit we, as a species, have accomplished, and generally leaving people the fuck alone, it might be worth your time. Couldn't hurt.

Whoever wins tomorrow night, at least i've got the penultimate episode of Channel Zero, and a lot of listening to this  on infinite loop, to look forward to. 




They both look so sexy in these shots.


I'll give it a read. Also appears to be part of a rather interesting book club. Great work ladies.


Un conquered