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I am super-behind on putting stuff up here...by way of apology, if anyone wants what's colloquially known as a "fan sign", put your request in the comments, yeah? I'll try to do at least the first 4 at a shoot next week that will have at least one model in attendance. 

[please note: if the model(s) are not comfortable saying/being shot writing your request, i'm not forcing anything +leaving everything entirely up to their discretion. 

This is just supposed to be something fun. Don't take it as a personal affront if your sign is skipped; we live in strange + sensitive times.

Also, no promises on which model(s) or which costume(s), as shit always changes last minute. kthanksbye.]




I don't feel you owe us anything. However, since the offer was made. If Kat is available, I'd take anything she's up for. Anything at all. If not whoever. Its still an honor to be mentioned. Also, if you still like the Gen-13 idea we had tossed around. If she's down for Caitlin Fairchild or Marnie is up for Sarah Rainmaker someday down the road. That'd be great. Love the work you guys do. Keep it up!


Please, for the uninitiated, what is a "fan sign"?


yeah, i probably should have defined terms...it was a thing, years ago, to have cosplayers photo'd/gif'd holding a sign with the name, screenname, or a message that someone had requested. Variations on that included the cosplayer saying the name or message in a video, or writing it on a thigh, or other body part? I didn't understand the appeal, but they were kind of a thing, at one point?


I agree with Nathan, I don't feel you owe us anything. Whenever you post something it makes me happy and that is why I'm along for the ride. I love your work and insights, keep em coming please. :)


Yes, I'll agree with those above. What you do is great and true artistic talent takes time. Continue to do what you do as best you can. We all love what you are doing so enjoy, have fun, stay happy and keep safe. Any shout out to us are all greatly appreciated too. Stay frosty everyone.


I miss Gee…


Not a fan sign, it should be a fun sign. "Im sorry, want to look at my boobs? "


I will also take whatever. Been here a long time. I'm not going anywhere