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1.) hi. Not dead...posting 2 sets, right now. 

Definitely want to apologize for the absence and lack of posts - have been working on something very ambitious (by the standards of my usual stuff, anyway.) Sets + everything. The actual release and final form are kind of out of my hands, at this point...will have more about it here the second i'm allowed to post anything.

Will also have at least one more full set up in March...

2.) This first set features Leland and Penny (making a first appearance here) in a Lara Croft inspired look. DL the full set, here:  https://we.tl/t-JzozOiSzaF

3.) I'm on crazy slow wifi atm, will upload to airtable and add that link here later in the week.

4.) Jesus, i really loved The Batman. I'm operating under the assumption Pattinson Batman is on some regular cycle of Venom use, to explain all the damage he tanked over the course of a week. Movie looked amazing, does some brilliant world building and scene setting for the future, can't wait to see where it goes. Also, love this.




Penny look amazing!


Love the posted sets and looking forward to your ambitious stuff. :)


Is Kat still modeling?


Glad to see more Leland! Does she do any other modeling?


So excited for Leland!!!