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Leland in a Kylo Ren outfit...was gonna have these up for May 4, but had a weird week, and time got away from me. Anyway, zip here: 


(Read this next time you want to snooze at the bottom of a pool over taking some criticism; old la times review of a 2001 movie where Jeremy Renner played Jeffrey Dahmer...goes absurdly out of its way to shit on Renner, saying he's nowhere near as attractive as the actual Dahmer, and going on to suggest he's just not hot enough to pull the victims JD could. )

Putting a couple sets up this weekend, before a grip of new shit hits, later this month.




A buddy of mine saw Leland in the forest the other day. He said that she has an 8-pack and is shredded.


That's one of those reviews where you get weirdly personal information about the author indirectly peppered into the piece (for example, this guy kinda clearly having a thing for Jeffrey Dahmer, or Scott Holleran being a Shia-Objectivist). Did you guys find a nudist park to play in, or something? Not complaining... just keep imagining joggers and kids playing Frisbee just out of frame...


nice...nah, one is someone's ridiculous backyard, another is some obscure spot, and that was early on a school day. Not going to make a habit of the outdoor stuff, but one of these days, before it gets oppressively hot, we'll do something at my favorite hiking area...chernobyl gets more foot traffic.