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Livv in a set inspired by disco mutant Dazzler, with a cameo appearance by Grace who had first kind of tested these out...download the full set here:   https://we.tl/t-iuMP8q6Vl0

or preview the contents here:      https://airtable.com/shrCFU9LraELagmGh

Like it? Cool, do let me know. Don't like it? Cool, let me know. 

Health has a track on that Dark Nights: Death Metal soundtrack - not quite up there with the Chelsea Wolfe track, or their NIN collaboration from a month ago (which is a fucking M A S T E R P I E C E)...but still good stuff. 




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I like it. Roller skating is cool with me. :)


Hi, could I please have a link for this set or am I outt of luck?