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Shit is being lost all over ze social meds, because someone unearthed a ~2011-era photo of Oscar Isaac, standing in front of a poster for Drive, wearing an Atlas Shrugged t-shirt. The horror.

This is a real thing, happening now, so it seemed like as good a time as any to post a set of Christine reading my favorite book. Zip here:  http://we.tl/uZ8OdvVh9N

Poe Dameron + Ayn Rand 4evazzz




Haven't registered libertarian, they have better chances of election running under the big R just like our man Rand is doing.


It's kind of amazing how hard the left is thrashing against (what I'm hoping is a rising tide of) libertarians. Guys, you don't have to do anything, we do it to ourselves. Case in point: Gary Johnson throwing his hat in the ring and shit-talking Rand Paul. What the fuck, Gary? As for the set, 0208 is an all-timer. In a world where I didn't fear judgement, I'd have a full-size poster of that on a wall.


stop fearing judgement, because you'll be just as equally judged for not doing something. So put some posters up, because laziness is a better excuse than fearing judgment. One time I feared judgement at an amusement park and a black guy in a pink tutu shoved a box of candy NERDS up my ass because I was self conscious about wearing my red hot chili peppers shirt. It was Seriously Strawberry, (both the situation and the flavor of candy). I'm also drunk right now. Gas prices, huh? B I L L C O S B Y 2 0 1 6 B I L L I O N D O L L A R P O W E R B A L L M _ T H E R F _ C K E R S