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Kat in a GIR hat. Late 2010? Early 2011? Dunno, but God, it's weird going through the old stuff. Zip here:  http://we.tl/U1Oy3Z8Qg7

The one person i know seeing Force Awakens tonight just assured me Kylo Ren is indeed amazing. That's all i needed to hear.

New set up next.




Anyone else reading the new Invader Zim comics? I'm up to issue 4... it kinda confirms my fears that the majority of the comedy came from the voice actors' line delivery. Probably going to drop it if it doesn't pick up in the quality department. It's nice that Jhonen can make a living doing behind-the-scenes work in the animation industry and printing up the occasional run of posters or T-shirts, but god damn it man. A new Fillerbunny chapter every 10 years or so isn't cutting it. If Squee/I Feel Sick/JTHM/Fillerbunny are too much work, put out a new Bad Art Collection every now and then. Also, Kat is a goddess, Force Awakens can just fuck off already, and let us all go scream nightmare obscenities into Isabella Rossallini's unmentionables in memoriam of the great Dennis Hopper.