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1.) Don't care if i'm alone on this: I found the Cats trailer fascinating. Looks so singularly distinctive as to almost be alien. 100% there opening night, but i loved Joel Schumacher's Phantom of the Opera movie so intensely, it turned me around on his Batman films...so, the fuck do i know?

Inspired by that magnificent trailer, here's Leland and Viv in a couple iconic Cat-related alt cosplay looks, Zip here:  https://we.tl/t-nm11mm6N8y

Two more vintage sets going up, right after this. Will have something all-new and worthwhile up, probably tuesday. (It's pretty much done, just needs to be uploaded, so there's a truly sporting chance that tuesday actually means tuesday.)

2.) The zine we're doing had to be pushed back a couple weeks: working with a pretty amazing model next week, and i'm trying to make that coincide with an invitation to test out a new studio space in la. If everything aligns, the image that was going to be the cover may be getting bumped.

3.) Don't care how on the nose it is; hearing Bowie's Life on Mars? used in the trailer for HBO's Watchmen sequel made my year.




I think that we need much more sets and videos of Leland


I second that motion, my dear Spectre. :)


I third that motion. More Leland, and also Viv.