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Super vintage set of Kat in a couple Harley Quinn inspired looks. Zip here:  https://we.tl/t-0ROFhCH7mT

New set going up probably Sunday, and shooting some new stuff next week.

(Under The Silver Lake got released a couple weeks ago, with pretty much no marketing...it's a brilliant film, and deserved much better. Loved it so much, it made me entirely reassess the Andrew Garfield Spider-Man films. 

Don't take my word for it, though; this is some of the most compelling film criticism since Roger Ebert walked the Earth.)




Whenever you list a movie, I immediately watch it. I love your taste in movies and will report back on my enjoyment of The Silver Lake soon. :)


Enjoyed Under The Silver Lake. Fav quote = Are you an actress? Yeah I was on a Soap Opera from the age 5 to 6 months. :)


Thanks for the recommendation (your taste IS good, not always my taste, but always good). Watched it, thought it was neat, and very well written/filmed/paced. I love Lynch, and I believe they did a good echoing that sort of tone. Also, agree, Garfield aced his performance (and the Spider-man reference was funny). Btw, RLM (watched them from way back) got mentioned once by Ebert before his passing, said he was wrong about 'The Phantom Menace' after watching their Plinkett review of it. Great vintage set of Kat!


Haven't seen any new post for almost a month?


i went a bit sideways working on a related project...resuming normal posting, and i was off making content that will ultimately turn up, here, if that helps?