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Kari in a Green Lantern inspired look...this was going to be a Jessica Cruz look, but quickly turned disastrous. The eyepiece i made wouldn't stay on, so we used the mask...and then the top broke. RIP original Arisia costume 2009-2019 (it's since been fixed and upgraded a bit. Will shoot that soon.)

For an utter fail, though, i still liked some of these. Zip here:  https://we.tl/t-rS1bC61gv6

Vintage set going up right after this, and something new going up this Tuesday.  




Sad to see Arisia pass to the Great Loom after such a long series but I can't say I'm disappointed in the results.


Apparently Patreon is no longer supported on my device,so I must sadly say goodbye :'( it's been a good run. Thanks,keep up the good work.


Was looking forward to viewing this, however the method you've chosen to transfer files keeps crashing my devices and locking up my phone.