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been a bit immobilized by weapons grade ADD, but just did a night hike up a hillslide of sludge-mud, and i'm starting to feel human, again. Going to get some shit done, this month.

Anyway, here's a new set. This is Zody, and she's wearing an alt cosplay look inspired by Arisia, of the Green Lantern Corps. DL the zip here:  https://we.tl/t-q4znAAU0v2

Anyone watch Netflix's Umbrella Academy? Did you love it? Did you hate it?



Uriah Jackson

Arisia, so it's back to a classic look hm? I watched Umbrella Academy and liked it, although there's quite a lot of difference from the comic. The series has an aesthetic inspired by aspects of the comic, but also updated for the medium. The costuming is different, as is the case in nearly every comics to movie/tv project. The writing and acting are good, and that's what ultimately makes the characters relatable and believable despite having a twisted childhood and unbelievable abilities.


I'm halfway through U.A. and so far I'm enjoying it. :)


Oooh, Zody. Very reminiscent of Han's version, but I like it a lot!


I actually loved Umbrella Academy. Finished it all the Friday it came out. The little changes they made from the adaption between comic and show were well done. But by far, the best change for me, was Klaus. Absolutely adore his actor and how he brought him to life.


Zody has a beautiful smile, and she is only doing so in one shot??? The number of models who have tats, do you recruit at a parlour? ;-)


Just checked...she does smile more than once in her next set, but will make a note of that for future shoots. Also, yeah, nothing but love for good ink, but it's certainly not a requirement.