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Apologies for disappearing for most of September...had to go back east for a funeral, which inspired a prolonged soul searching/naval gazing tournament. All of this capped off with a week-long, plague-grade flu. 

Back now, better for having gone through it, and going to try and make it up to you by posting a new alt cosplay video, sometime this coming week. 

If that's received well, we'll do one new video, and one vintage video, in October, along with usual still sets. 

Also, going forward, any sets or video that may aggressively skirt the delicate sensibilities of patreon/vimeo/etc, when it comes to erotic-ish content, will be marked as limited availability...i'm thinking the link(s) will stay live for 2 weeks, or so, then self-destruct.  

Finally, my God...that video of Joaquin Phoenix in Joker mode, on top of the announcements of Carey Fukunaga  directing the new Bond film, and Trent Reznor / Atticus Ross scoring HBO's Watchmen series. Such an amazing time to not be dead.




Snake Plissken? I thought you were dead...


Fukunaga is a good choice for Bond. Now we just need to get Kevin McKidd to play 007...