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A week later, patreon has lifted the suspension...no specific content was cited, no changes were made; it was just suspended one day, and then summarily deemed okay, upon a second look from Trust & Safety...appreciate that, but doesn't really inspire a lot of trust in the platform (insert gif of Palpatine saying, "Ironic.")

Will say the incident caused me to really think about this project more than i have in the last year, and i'm grateful for that. Had become kind of a hermit, hidden behind patreon's paywall, for the last couple years, and that's not been helpful. Going to branch out and decentralize: putting a new crappy site up, this month. Will make more use of social platforms. Going to do a new crowdfunding thing where i can get out stuff that i haven't been doing on patreon. Will keep patreon going as a distribution point, but definitely won't be so reliant on it, going forward, after seeing how quickly and arbitrarily it can be taken away.

Also, grateful for making some interesting connections with a couple others who've found themselves in a similar boat, over the last week. Hopefully some worthwhile collaborations will arise out of this. 

Anyway, sorry for that! Here's the second part of Kat in a Hannibal inspired look.  Zip here:  https://we.tl/AtwJmfJWGp




You know we will still give you moneh, even if it's not here. We support you, your projects and the models!


I think you have a great taste in comics, movies, music, etc. I would follow anything by you. (for example; if you had ViedtsFavSongthisweek@twitter.com I would be there) :) PS also your Year End Movie Review has really opened my eyes to some cool flics I would have missed.


Your talent is worth following. The talent you work with isalso fantastic and worthy of following. Just keep us well informed.


Just let me know where to follow you at and I'll be there.


Gotta love how bitchy and skittish modern publishing platforms are. Yeesh.


i follow you befor patreon so i follow after too . you greating great Photo serie


In some of these shots... Kat... actually looks like a Frank Miller drawing. Amazing. Excellent camera work capturing that Miller vibe, and kudos to Kat for existing.


Hi , I really love the old site that I stumbled upon a few years ago so was it just to expensive to do that way ? I would have no problem helping support your own site for Kat content alone but after a few weeks here I just dont care for Patreon at all and then magically shutting you down ? Oh and on the old Veidt.com site I never saw anyone create more artistic photos with less so dont ever lose your passion .


thank you! Yeah, it got prohibitively expensive at the end, between bandwidth costs and having to hire someone to near-constantly unfuck the site from several problems. I was doing multiple things wrong with it; think i've learned enough, since, to get better results on a far, far lower budget.


Fantastic work all around!