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Robin in a Caitlin Fairchild/Gen 13 inspired look, vintage stuff circa late summer 2012 (...i remember because the night before, i went to the premiere of a movie about Joseph Gordon Levitt as a bike messenger? This was like a month after Dark Knight Rises, and a friend of a friend at DC swore up and down Man of Steel was going to connect to Nolan's trilogy, and we'd see Levitt Batman and Gary Oldman somewhere in it. So yeah, at the time, it was a very exciting night. In hindsight, i should've spent the time buying bitcoin at 2012 prices.)

Anyway, zip here:  https://we.tl/a4gRZluF8K

Should have a Star Wars-related set up, later...and all new stuff early next week.




Robin is more def than the three on your telephone...


Gen 13!!! I got the first issue as a gift years ago and have never heard or seen anyone mention it since!


She's a great Caitilin. Can we get a triple threat of Roxy, Fairchild, and Rainmaker? Consider it a request?:) Would love to see Kat and Marnie in some looks inspired like that. Anyone else?


this is a brilliant idea, and i know someone who could kill as Rainmaker...


Thanks. I don't know photography or art, but I know what I like.


Are we ever likely to get more of the adult-oriented content like Robin's video. Or was that a one and done?


that's some interesting timing...we're shooting something along those lines on the 26th. We'll see how it goes?