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Marnie in the dark Rey look, again...apologies if it's not your thing, but i dig impractically high slit dresses. Zip here:  https://we.tl/thbYGKKuSc

Next set going up will be new stuff from Leland, followed by a set that will disappear forever 2 weeks after it's posted.

(just rewatched last jedi on me phone...still liked it, and still take issue with a few things. The fight in Snoke's throne room is my favorite Star Wars thing ever, and i hope to God Benicio comes back; aside from Kylo, he was the most interesting thing in the new series. 

But i figured out my main problem with it, and it's right here. These two guys absolutely killed together in one of the best movies, this decade; then you reunite them in a star wars movie and give them fuckall to do, beyond a your mom joke. It bugs.)




:) another great set, I share your love for high slit dresses.

Uriah Jackson

No apologies needed. :3


I assure you, you never need to apologize, especially if it has anything to do with Marnie!! You can post as many sets of her as you want and I'll never get tired! She's so amazing and definitely my favorite model!! (Kat's a close second though!) Thanks for all of the awesome sets and thanks very much to the amazing models for doing all of this! :D


Is this the same shoot as " the sleep of reason produces monsters "? Or is it a reshoot, same model, same costume? Either way Marnie is yummy!


A couple weeks later, and a different space...guess i just wasn't done with it.


I don't think the movie deserves the hate it's getting (that should have been reserved for Force Awakens). It's nowhere near the worst in the series, but I can't forgive that they didn't allow Rey to join with Kylo. That absolutely should have been the end of the movie, her taking his hand.


Any idea when that "two week only" content is coming?