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Marnie in a set where the idea was Borg-assimilated Catwoman. In execution, though, it reminds me more of Frank the Bunny.  Zip here:  https://we.tl/GQPNVvT7of

If i owe you instax or polaroids from the post last weekend, please do send your mailing address to postveidt@gmail.com, and i'll get those out friday afternoon.

Shooting new stuff tomorrow, will have at least something from it up over the weekend.

Also, this is phenomenal; can't wait for the album.




Happy birthday indeed! Marnie as well ( with this triumvirate I can die happy ) this is the best gift Oh and thanks for the" NOSTALGIA "


If Marnie ever gets a desire to meet a bald headed pot bellied cantankerous old fart who would probably not be able to satisfy her, but would happily give him self a coronary trying, make sure she gets my e-mail address.... please?


Drone unit T zero zero H zero T Drone unit K one T T / The whip explains the cat ears sort of, with out it it's ?????? But it works!


Kind of bummed the gif wasn't included in the set. Always nice to see Marnie though.


i was just trying to keep the file size down, was already kind of massive...i'll add it here, separately, when i'm uploading the next set.