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Here's a set that's been on my desktop for a bit...Jordan in a look inspired by the time Mary Marvel had Black Adam's power. Remembered i had these with the news Teth-Adam would be in Suicide Squad 2.  Zip here:  https://we.tl/IA6ufKZz37

Just discovered that this exists...i now have a new hiking at 3am theme song.




Is there any chance at all that you'd re-give out that video you put out a little while back? Most semi-recent backers don't have the ability to get it.


I have been busy past week or so to reply to your post about quitting. I'll just post what I wanted to post there on here instead. It's good to hear you are feeling better and I wouldn't say you are a failure at all. In fact searching 'Veidt' on Google brings up Veidt models as a popular search term, and also there are lots of watermarked images from your old site all over the internet. I think that's a sign of how successful "your little project" has been since you created it. Not to mention many loyal followers who have been following your work for years. If you are still feeling unsure of what to do, perhaps Patreon is causing you to fret over trying to deliver timely updates to people who pay and thats causing you stress. Maybe you should take a break and go back to how you started, with a website you update when you feel like it as a hobby. If I'm not mistaken, Patreon now allows integration with websites if you still want to use it for things in the future. Just a suggestion even though I'm sure you thought of it already. Hope you keep us updated on how things are going. Your twitter account needs some love. Also as this is Jordan's post, she looks gorgeous as usual.


You're pretty eerily dead-on, here. I'll keep my mouth shut on patreon for the time being, but yeah. And yes, actively working on a new site. Miss that, was much more productive with one.


was actually thinking about selling some files, like those, to raise funds for a new camera/new site. If that's of interest to anyone, looking for the best to do it. Or if it pisses everyone off, i won't.


No, that's a good plan. It's the more risque stuff that'll net you the most income, and double so if you make it a one-off distribution that will never be put out again (Economist, so getting nerdy for a moment). Statistically, you can safely figure about a quarter of your audience will donate. Probably higher since your fans have been following you for a while and have a personal connection (All the little art touches you put in to titling and stuff have paid off!). Do a solid writeup explaining why this is required and that the alternative is quitting. About a quarter of that group IF ALLOWED and if you position it correctly, will donate more than strictly required. If you like people to go above and beyond that, send the top 10 donators a special something. Mention that you'll be doing that in the mail out. If you need any assistance with setup, phrasing, or anything really, I'll do everything I can, just send me a message any time. (Been a fan for years and have given quite a number of times!)


I have to be honest here, I love your stuff, have been a follower for years. But after having contributed to your video project previously and never having actually seen it, I'd be kind of annoyed to ask to buy other videos.


Since that working-on-new-site thing seems to have been going on forever now can I offer a suggestion if it isn't immediately imminent? Upload the image files into imgur albums rather than paid hosting, and make yourself a reddit sub to link/put them onto. It would allow for easy posting without any risk of content disappearing, and the ability for not feeling like you absolutely have to make a big content rich post every time you want to say something, along with allowing the models to easily be able to comment/respond to people if they feel like it, like Kat used to. Combined with that first link I posted which you appear to have deleted it could work out to be much easier for you to manage while still providing for a revenue stream. Crossposting to the big cosplay reddit subs would very quickly gain a much larger following from those who may have never come across veidt.com previously as well.


Lars - will be pm'ing you as soon as i'm at my desktop...