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Here's Jordan in a Rey inspired set...yeah, she's done Rey before, but i liked how some of those turned out, so we did it again. (Have a new version of Rey, based on where i hope The Last Jedi goes...Marnie should be wearing that, shortly.) Zip here:  https://we.tl/xgiGb9URkX    (fixt  11/27)

Apologies for the lack of posts, had to go fly up north for a jobby interview, and right after that i got asked to pitch a concept for a music video. No idea if anything will come of that, but it was pretty overwhelming, and existence-justifying, just to get invited into the room. Either way...will have another new set i like up, sometime this friday-ish, and something potentially interesting shooting early next week.

Also, this debuts on Syfy tonight...the first season, last year, with the Candle Cove story, was my favorite teevee thing evar (until Twin Peaks came back.) Hopes and expectations are high for this one. 




a yrev very good set


i dreamt Cooper kept fucking with timelines, and turned up in the Flashpoint movie. Darkseid is Judy.


That's fucking great. I picture Cooper floating down from the sky to confront Darkseid (Jowday) who looks up with a scowl on his face while Dale Cooper chants out between two worlds, 'HELL-ooooOOOooooooooo!'


This one got deleted :(