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Kat in an alt cosplay look inspired by Red Hood. Apologies for the back to back Kat stuff, but really liked how this outfit turned out. Zip here:  https://we.tl/LikO9gnhyK

What a time to be alive...there's actual talk happening towards reviving Hannibal, Daniel Craig confirmed one more Bond film, the apocalypse just got cancelled/postponed, Purple Man is returning for the second season of Jessica Jones, and i'm <spoiler> at least 55% certain David Bowie will show up in some kind of capacity in the final four Twin Peaks episodes.</spoiler> 




Please, dont apologise for having set of this beauty!


Never apologize for more Kat.


Awesome set! Love the Red Hood adaptation, very creative. That costume was fucking great, and Kat looks sexy as Hell. Curious, what was the mask made out of?


thanks...the mask is made out of neoprene, mesh, and plastic craft spikes. Not really practical for running across rooftops, and intensive brawling.

George Meyer

The correct answer is always more Kat. Loved this, keep up the awesome sets.