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Here's a vintage set of Cee in a Wonder Woman inspired look. First of a couple sets going up tonight. Zip here: https://we.tl/giGu5QYX07

Loved the Wonder Woman movie, but kinda souring on the dceu with the Wheedon taking over Justice League, and now Junkie XL getting replaced on scoring duties. 

(At least Matt Reeves' War for the Planet of the Apes is getting utterly phenomenal early word of mouth; so no matter what happens with JL, the next Batman movie is still worth looking forward to.)




I just wish this was a $4 post. I have literally thought about Wonder Woman getting naked since I was like 10... I can't speak for anyone else, but I would certainly not be opposed to a more adult version of this same shoot. I can't remember WW ever using an axe, but whatevs...


You are the most beautiful model of Vidt.


Yeah I agree I'm bummed about Junkie XL being replaced by Danny Elfman. The score for both Man of Steel and BvS were phenomenal


Any phone friendly way to use zip, i can never figure out how to download or look at any of the sets.


try installing the winzip app on android, or iZip for IOS...have used both, they're good. And if there's a way for sending stuff you think might work easier/better than zip files, i'm def open to suggestions.