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1.) Left home a few days ago with the wrong harddrive, will get the set i had wanted to put up whenever i get back (today or tomorrow.) For now, this is Kat in a look inspired by Overwatch's D.Va.  Zip here:  https://we.tl/FXP8evn0sQ

2.) (The pink gloves were part of a donation from a cosplayer far, far too popular to work with me; but she likes some of the shit we've done, which is immensely gratifying. Also interesting to see how Kat utterly destroys them over the course of this shoot.)

3.) Massively manic week: end of The Button/promise of Doomsday Clock, 12 Monkeys has its best season, 4 episodes of Twin Peaks providing a great abundance of perfect Lynch moments, after a very long drought...then Zack Snyder has to drop off Justice League. I'll just say his Watchmen and 300 were the closest to perfect adaptations i've ever seen, but Man of Steel really showcased his capacity to enhance and improve on source material. It's criminal how under-appreciated that movie was.




Man of steel was under appreciated. Can't wait for doomsday clock


Watchmen made me cry it was so good. I enjoyed this set a lot. I find Onsies highly sexy, coupled with Kats flexibility and we have a winner!


"The pink gloves were part of a donation from a cosplayer far, far too popular to work with me; but she likes some of the shit we've done, which is immensely gratifying. "


I feel the above is selling yourself short.