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I’d love to make this update about all the shit that happened to me this month as an audio, but guess what? I didn’t have time for that ‘cause my schedule is all fucked up and I’ll tell you why now…

May started with me giving myself a week's vacation, since I was going to celebrate my bday during that weekend. And everything went perfectly, I went to a concert on Friday, to the club on Saturday and went bowling on Sunday, and I was also really happy ‘cause “The Moon King” video went kinda viral right in that week. It was all great fun, but after all that I was exhausted, and that's when the shit went down.

I was feeling a lot of muscle pain, because it had been years since I had bowled, so I took a relatively strong medicine to relieve the pain before sleep and it was the worst decision I could have made. This fucking pill fucked up with my stomach and while I was sleeping it gave me a gastritis, which in turn produced a reflux episode that basically burned my entire esophagus for about 8 hours before I woke up. The next few days I started to feel a lot of pain when eating, until about a week after this started I had a second very strong gastric attack when trying to eat that took me to emergency for two nights in a row. And it was there that I found out that besides all this, I had an infection in my esophagus/throat because of the reflux injuries.

I don't think I have ever felt so much pain in my life as in those two days, the pain was literally as if someone had stabbed me in the lung through my back and the blade had pierced all the way through my ribs. I also  lost count of how many different medications I took in the vein and by injection, shit was ugly lol!

Lucky me I had practically a month's content ready for y'all here on Patreon and for Youtube ‘cause I have not been in a position to create anything in the meantime (with the exception of the twins' audio that I recorded the day before I ended up in the emergency lol), and many things I would have liked to do here I couldn't execute because of all that happened.

And I'm telling you this because obviously I'm much better now, even though I still have a couple more weeks of treatment to fully recover, and because you have no idea how the financial support of you here, subscribing to my Patreon helped me a lot with the medical expenses I had. I know that 2/5 dollars may seem little to you, but converted to my country's currency I assure you that the amount you all contributed helped me a lot with these expenses. And that I’m very happy to have not left a single week without content this month for you here, especially because of all this.

So thank you so much for your support from the bottom of my heart…and get a pic of me taking 5 iv meds at once and also maaaybe featuring a hint related to the content of my next audio?...

- blue 💙


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