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May puns aside...

But first, I want to thank everyone for your continous support during thesde troubling times. I'm still stranded away from home as my country is one of the few (if not the only one) that has left many of its citicens stranded outside it's borders and has failed to bring us back even to this day.

In the meantime, I try to keep updating my Patreon, but it has been slower due the circunstances. Thanks again for your understanding!

But hey, lets move to more fun stuff!

Its time to send more questions to the cast, and I'll try to do reply them as much as I can, so ask away!


Latrios (Coen van Haaster)

Hmm, not sure what to ask... perhaps just ask the whole cast how they;re hadnling these troubled times :p


Hey Hope! How do you get to be so fashionable?


question for cocoa what is your Favorite sex position?


Miss Alejandra it was so nice of you to let Mora wear that yellow dress of yours. Did she ask for it or did you just give it to her?


Hey Hope! You used to date Miles right? Whatever happened to you two? Did you just grow apart or something?


Hey Hope! Aside from singing, what other hobbies do you like to do? Anything fun and exciting?


Drake how does the general public feel about Primes dating or having any type of intimate relationship with Narakhan's?


Hope being the celebrity you are your probably on social media alot. Do you ever take funny, cool or teasing selfies for your fans ?


I hope you are at least enjoying your extremes vacation x3


Mr Kayin we've heard both your daughters like to bite. Is that something they get from you?


Sunny how are things on the farm with the boss away for a bit? Everyone behaving themselves ?


How hardcore have you gotten, Mora?


Mora you wear those sweet boots of yours alot. Ever kept em on when you and Minos had some fun?

Ichigo Bunny

Dear Randal, how's all the planning going with Taffy? Are you excited for your future together?

Ichigo Bunny

Dear Grace, how's it like being the husband of a cool warrior and having 2 amazing daughters to boot?


Lady Ambar, you have such a cute smile that you constantly wear on your face. What is your secret to being so happy and radiant?


Tiggs and Vixy, you both get to choose a bathing suit for your partner to wear this summer--what do you get them?


Cocoa, what's your favourite cosplay you've ever done?


Hey Geecku, I was wondering what steps you've been taking to get Mora to warm up to you? Have you tried "working your magic" on her like you did with Lady Ambar? ;3c


Taffy, do you have a secret crush on Rachael?


Minos, do you still have your sketchbook somewhere? Can we see what you've drawn?


Lady Ambar, do you still have your magic powers after you had your child, Sirio?


Ok lady Amber here’s a strange one. Let’s say someone from a different demission was working on portal tech experiments that go awry transporting themselves separated from there body and there soul getting bound inside a primes body as well as impenetrable floating fortress ship. Appearing above they primes major capital what do you do?


Lady Ambar, what would Mora look like as a mother?

Mobius Scarf

Do any of you have any tips for staying sane under quarantine? Asking for a friend.


Dear Taffy, how often do you and Randal go at it since you got engaged? I Imagine not as much as Mora and Minos.


Lady Ambar, Can we get a picture of you and Grace together, please?

Lord Washington

Lady Naeri, do you think you may make your mother a grandmother sometime?

Edo Nova

Pregunta para Alejandra, que hace nuestra sexy vaca para relajarse tras un largo día agotador? Aunque ahora con la cuarentena, cómo lo ha llevado?


Tiggs, do you still have your old cheerleading uniform? Could be fun to try it on again for nostalgia's sake!


Mora and Alejandra: with summer approaching and money still on the line, have you two considered merchandise like sexy calenders?


Geeku, now that the farm is making beer, have you had a chance to drink any of it? And what has it done for you?


Sunny, what do you imagine a cross between a dog prime and a goat prime would look like?

Joshua Wolfe

What is Tiggs up to lately? I would not mind seeing her cheerful smile in these troubled times.

Jeremy Canine

My name is gray bones I need a job.

Zig Zag

TILA!!! How many people have died in your cleavage over the years? Don't lie! I bet the queen is hidden there too! 'fess up!

Zig Zag

TOOTS!! Tell us one thing...Alej doesn't need that breast pump anymore, does she? (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)


dear lady Ambar: it seems like you know far more about moras family than we do so i want to know how mora looked as a baby. for science.


dear lady ambar and dear lady naerie: its implied by design that spirits reproduce sexually and this means that there is something like baby spirits. i would like to see such a baby spirit because i want to know if they come out as realy looking like babys or just spirit gems.


dear lady ambar and dear lady naerie: i wonder if there are any baby pics of naerie that you want to show us. i mean: we already saw little sirio as a newborn so why not the sis as a small bear too?


dear miles: did you get your hands on a kama-sutra by now and how did rachael react to it?


mora and minos: we know you own a kamasutra so what are your favourite positions?


Geecku, how many people on the farm have you seen nude? And who has your favorite naked body?

Jeremy Canine

Who has the highest body count in sex trems


Can we see what Sarah will look like at when she's 25


High and prime if you have the power of doing anything you could do. Is it possible for mora to get pregnant with a snap of your finger?