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Time to collect more questions this month, so ask away, fellas!



Yes! Hello High Prime. I understand that Geeku has a high sex drive.... Was there ever an incident where she may have wondered into an all girls/boys college?

Garf H.

(Continuing the "oral" theme) Mora, what does Minos taste like?


Miss Taffy have you thought of an appropriate revenge for what Mora and Minos did in your kitchen?


Mora and Minos, has there ever been a pregnancy scare with you two with all the sex you have?


Minos we've seen Mora likes to use your horns as handle bars while your busy down south. Do you get to return the favor?


Sunny have you and Grant ever consider inviting someone to join in on your fun?


Drake those ear tufts of yours do they have a use? Are they ticklish? You you know they look like little claws?


Mora what's the pros and cons to having such big...ears? I would think you have excellent hearing huh?


Has any of the other ladies noticed Miles "getting big" as Rachel put it?


Miles and Mora was what you said (and wrote) about the night you two fucked the truth or were you not entirely honest?


Minos, what's biggest muscle on your body? Mora, would you ever dye your hair a DIFFERENT color?


Since Rachael was unable to shred cheddar cheese with her abs, can she still use her abs to grind meat?


Minos, do you still have your sketchbook around? May we see some of your sketches of the LL girls you’ve drawn?


Rannie, wouls you ever strip for Taffy? Alejandra, you're butsy beautiful bit I gotta ask, do your huge tits ever rip your clothes? XD


Miles, Rachel admired your body. But you gotta flex! Can u flex?


What would Rachael and Sarah look like if they changed fur colors or body swapped?

Lex of Excel

Mora: When you first met Idward, was it during the period where you were "working" away from home? If so, did Iddy have to pay for his night with you?

Arseni Ivanov

Dear Naerie! Are you still act as a substitute High Prime or you have passed your duties back to Ambar?

Latrios (Coen van Haaster)

Does non-canon, non-continuity Rachel miss that one time she had Mora’s bust?

Arseni Ivanov

Dear Shin! Naerie does not expressly show her emotions in her day-to-day life, has this ever led to awkward situations?


Miles, have you ever convinced Rachael to do workout/training sessions nude?


Dear Taffy, if you could pick a class from FF14, which one would you be?


Since Mora loves the Tango, what was Ms. Diana's favorite type of dance?


geecku can you give us a list of peoples on the farm you had sex with?


minos, mora geecku and ambar did you ever try sex with a human just because you could?


minos the strongest human in the books could backlift 2,3 metric tons did you ever try to measure how much you can lift without breaking the floor?


to lady ambar: what is the material that prime knight weapons are made of? the only material i can think of with the needed propertys is nanocells.

Zig Zag



dear taffy i know that your little realm (the kitchen) got vandalized recently. to cut things short it was mora and minos. here is my idea for revenge: somewhere on the las lindas property is a water tower that is also moras tanning pool. climb inton it with randal have sex in it and make fotos for mora to find. oh and if mora confronts you about it tell her geecku told you.


Hey Rachel has Sarah ever used the “tickle bug” on you? Or would you ever use it in a fight if the situation was right? Like that time you fought Mora?


dear alejandra and dear ambar: did you ever had sex with minos?


mora do you know the name of your father? and di he tell you how he and diana met each other?


Dear Geecku: We already know that Ambar has great things to say about your tongue. Has the bear lady ever returned the favor with a smooch and a tongue between your thighs? 2) Are those little fairies you made good kissers or as skillful as you with the use of their tongues? Unrelated, but happy these questions came a day before my birthday.

Lex of Excel

Mora: During your time away, were there any particularly notable clients or events you took on in your sex work? No judgement here--it's a good living.

Lex of Excel

Rachael: Any chance you'd be willing to sit in on one of Taffy's tabletop sessions?


Hey Digit! Given your ability to digitally teleport anywhere on the farm, have you ever accidentally appeared somewhere you shouldn't have? Or have you ever appeared somewhere you weren't supposed to.....but glad you did?


Joy, so which of the guys are best in bed~?


Questions for Mora & Minos: A: How Big are you two in terms of your assets (Mora: Your Boobs; Minos; Your Dick. Also, could you awnser this question while naked so we can see the proof)? B: being a cow and bull, Have you two ever been milked...while naked? C: What would happen if you Met Your R63 dopplegangers?


randal and taffy in the shower. mora is able to hear to walls and doors like they are nothing.


Please do not reply to these. It was made to collect questions, not start a conversation.


Okay, so all Primes are mammals including Geecku but, does Geecku still lay eggs?


would anyone (besides geecku of course) be in an orgy


No, It was not Do you have anything better to do than to answer other peoples questions that are meant for AtHP?

Jeremy Canine

Geecku How did Din and Jin come to be?


Pepper Ann and Cocoa: We haven't seen you lovely ladies in a long while! What have you been up to?