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And LL is finally baaack. Sorry for the lack of updates. My trip to Anthrocon and the subsequence con crud I got slowed me greatly, but I'm getting back on track one step at a time.

Back to this page, we now move to the garage cats, Miles and Rachael. The last one looking very focused on the task of... squashing an apple.

Every victory counts, I guess.




Soooo is that what Miles meant when he asked Rachael if she was ready to get her hands dirty ? Lol


Lol in my mind, the last 2 panels only read as :" YES!" and " Instant apple sauce!"


nice to see ya back man. the only thing that keeps me up now is the nagging question if my money goes through (i didnt get any memo that the money goes hoever i support two great german youtubers and i receive a notification when their money goes through).