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Just released a new version of my Dredge VR mod on Itch.io for patrons! It's got a number of improvements (download here: https://xen-dev.itch.io/dredgevr/patreon-access):

- Inventory menus now work (in theory, the game should be entirely playable now)

- Player now has hands

- Added better input binding support, should work by default on Index, Oculus, and Vive controllers.

- Added settings options like enabling/disabling waves, fixing player camera to the horizon, and fixing player camera y position.

- Button prompts now appear next to your hands, you now hold the world map, and other stuff I forget now!




We figured out the issue Hoshi was having, it wasn't properly loading if the player had no existing save files! I'll be pushing a fix shortly.

Sabine G.

Hey folks, I am having a really REALLY horrible performance. The game is running at max 24.8 fps and it is jittering that I want to throw up. Using Quest 3, RTX 4090, Ryzen 9 7950X and I tried Airlink and Virtual Desktop. Both with the same performance. Oculus performance headroom was -180%. I even dropped the steam VR resolution down to roundabout 1k which looked as awful as you can imagine and then I got 27 fps. I also checked my connection which looked fine, I still resetted it, tried other games and they were all running fine. I then went back to my usual 3,7k x 3,9k resolution and well the small intro and the starting menu are running very smooth but as soon as the game is loaded - well 24 fps. :) What am I missing here?


v0.0.5 has some new performance settings that should help with this!