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Lament 31.docx


Sefa Baah

Thanks for the chapter. When you said Jon/Harry use the template of the old gods to pray ... do mean a magical being/s in hp universe used the Weirwood image to talk the Mc? Or is the hp and got happend on the same earth but at a different time/age?


It basically means Magic answered Harry's prayers in the form he is most used to, the Old Gods

Daniel Porter

I find myself surprised at just how much I am enjoying this work of yours; it is beyond the pale that you are able to write a powerful amalgam of Harry and Jon that, while proving him capable of taking advantage of Jon’s maturity and life experience, you somehow weave the whole so seamlessly that he is able to retain the youthful innocence (something RARELY seen in such fanfiction).


Thanks! Not many understand that by fusing two different characters, with their egos and personalities, they become a completely new character. I tried to strike a good balance with that, so I'm happy to see it bearing fruit