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Hero 08


Michael Rojas

Oh good dragon eggs, for our favorite evil red witch to convince everyone to do something stupid... joy lol


I am glad you showed the Princess Trio are not damsels in distress that are solely reliant on Percy's protection. Sure, he's way more powerful than them, but that's because he's a demigod. It doesn't mean that 'girly girls' like Sansa, Marcella, and Rosamund won't defend themselves. Them wailing on those guys with cooking utensils was priceless! Lol

LT Butterfly287

I still honestly believe Sansa is the one thing that drags the story down but everything else is fine. Though I would work on dialogue flow a bit more.


How is Sansa dragging the story? She is the driving for the story. Without her, there wouldn't be any plot lol. Percy would just be lost and goes off to who knows where while the rest of the world goes on as canon. DM me with an example where the dialogue could be better. I appreciate any feedback.


There was a lot added to the story. Definitely adds more substance to the story