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Lament 33



Love the magical home full of gadgets. Enchanting is so rarely built upon that it was nice to see more stuff. The fight was great and just goes to show what being able to train in magic on the regular can do for a wizard/witch. On the subject of Tracey, bold move. Here's hoping it doesnt come vack to bite her cuz i do enjoy her character

REDdragon (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-29 16:45:12 So is this a multi pairing?
2024-03-15 02:52:43 So is this a multi pairing?

So is this a multi pairing?


Who knows? Tracey was simply declaring her intent. Expect drama and girl fights in the future though


I still vote a multi-pairing. Though this back and forth with bold moves look interesting to write. Of course the consequences of such action’s might be biting harder than they think.