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Hero 07.docx



Love it. Sansa realizes she’s being a vengeful little brat to her captives (though understandably so) and decides to change. Ok, so the gods are making some moves here. Very interesting how that opens up the whole damn continent to… who the hell knows what?! 😂. I love, love, Love! Davos. And his whole family. I am hoping his boys fare better in this story. But Stannis did not deserve his loyalty. Not a Stannis fan. Never will be. I understand his appeal and why some folks think he is the bees knees, but I can’t agree. His whole schtick is duty and owed fealty, and yet he himself abandoned that duty and fealty to his brother because his feelings were hurt. Can’t reconcile that with my support. That said, this was a super cool appearance by ol’ Stanny. You might have expected the Storm God (assuming that was who we were meeting) would be a bit more… disappointed… with kinslaying though. Not a big issue, cuz Renly was worthless and a massive disappointment himself in everything lol. Fantastic chapter! Loved it! Can’t wait for more. *Chef’s Kiss*


Kinslaying should be shunned when it's done in coldblood...just like murder. Basically, kin slaying is dumb as fuck, for it's no different from murder. Renly, however, is far worse than a kinslayer. He's an oathbreaker and the Gods hate nothing more than those who break their words. Stannis is a very complicated character. I will just say that he is not exactly a protagonist here... Storm God, Sea God, Warrior....the Gods of Westeros are a mess lmao.


Congrats, you've got me hooked on another of your fics... i wanted to be mad that ALSM is now bi-weekly but with this filling the other week i just cant


I'm guessing whatever Percy sensed in the depths of the ocean awoke. Now, it's attacking the crew of the Silver Lady. My guess is Sansa will be worried about Percy being on deck. It will be interesting to see the girls' reactions to him fighting someone/something that's more on his level rather than just mortals.


I also want to see if Sansa will become jealous when she learns about Percy's former interactions with Calypso. Not-Calypso/The Maiden seemed like she was trying to start drama by appearing in the sea goddess' form, using her name as an alias, and hinting about Percy's past on the island with his "maiden." That goddess is fulfilling the stereotype of a catty mean girl that likes stirring the pot.


It would sort of funny/petty if the Maiden started appearing to Sansa as ALL the girls that Percy befriended/had a crush on him (Calypso, Annabeth, Rachel, etc.). She's messy enough to do that. But, it was funny when Sansa was like "Yay, you're hot, but I'm hotter, with better boobs." 😜


The gods are a mess. You can't treat them or speak to them as if they're humans. That's something Riordan completely flopped in the PJO books. Instead of supernatural beings, they appear more like super humans

David C.

I need more

LT Butterfly287

I personally hate the idea that you are focusing so much on the seven and give them power and domains they never had. Taking the storm god that the stormlanders worshipped before the seven and making him the warrior just seems kind of weak to me. Not to mention the andal faith itself is more then likely false given it was founded by seven people who deified themselves to their people.


You are not seeing the forest for the tree. What is the Seven but the Andal interpretation of what already existed? I put enough hints to showcase that, but you are allowing blind hatred to... Well, blind you xD


Calypso is a happy surprise! You know many stories I’ve read only gives the MC the “godly” powers, it never occurred to me that that could be given to others as well. This will make the story much more interesting!