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Hey guys !! 

Awesome news today !! OAOThe 1st artbook  has just been sent to the printer ! They are testing my PDF file and checking if everything is in order then will proceed to the printing. Let s hope i did it correctly XD i m super noob at InDesign , so yeah...If everything goes fine i should recieve the printed versions in approx 10 days now :D

 Will keep you in touch ;D

Love you all <3


Matt Harris

So, how would we go about ordering the artbook if we aren't eligible for it?


sounds awsome..... gonna have to find shelf space for it now XD


There will be a few copies to buy for those not eligible, i will make an anouncement about it ^^


haha , dont worry it s not that big XD it s A4 with like 30 pages so you can hide it between 2 random books np XD