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Hello everyone :D

Here is the preview for the 3rd issue of the Patreon reward package ! ^^

There have been some declines this month, more than usual , so i wait a bit that everybody has updated their pledges before sending it to everyone.

I also have been quite busy redesigning stuff and working my patreon details a bit.

Here you can see the new format for the reward banner ! 

I have decided to name them vol. 1, 2 ,3 etc so that is less confusing when tier 3+ patrons ask me for past rewards.

Also , admire my new logo XD i 'm not a professional logo designer so i hope it looks good still haha ^^'

I will be sending the links tomorrow , please be patient until then :)

Thank you all , again , for your support :3

I have a LOT of drawings in the making for the next weeks,  some really kewl stuff in there :D so stay tuned ;D

Important note : past rewards must be asked by private message for now please! 



Frank Leo

I didn't get the "reward" in my message ... please check my pledge and status, I should be getting it by now.


I've sent you a mail with all the links inside ! No idea why you didnt get the patreon private message . sorry for the trouble ! tell me if you get everything !

Frank Leo

... thnx