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Hello guys !

So it's been like 20 days now since i started my Patreon, and there are more tier 3 and 4 than i expected ! <3 thank you all this is really amazing !

I originally planned to do videos, tutorials and the artbook accordingly to the milestone progression. 

But i just can't leave you guys without proper rewards! 

So! I've been working on each of those in order to reward you with them very soon.

I've started to work my Youtube chanel, and a video will be released soon , next week i hope. i still have to figure out the private access thingy.

My very first tutorial is on the way too ! although, it s more of a sheet where i share my technics rather than an actual drawing course okay ? lol

As for the Artbook ! i'm also working on it , designing the content, finding a company to print it etc etc. i could not make you all wait for half a year. so i planned on a 1st release for this March. :)

So at the start of March , the artbook containings drawings from december to february will be shipped to your home!

These take some time as i didn't expect to work on them that soon . and i want the best quality for you all! 

So be patient , and know that i think about you all everyday ! :3

Thank you all a million times, i could never say it enough xD 

Love you all <3


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