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This post is just to document what a peculiar afternoon was yersterday. As is often in the discord server I joined the video call to see what the guys were up to. Lomion and Dixiao were there, two amazing mod makers. I caught dixiao working on some shader witchcraft.... i cant describe it any other way xD What his screen was rendering was akin to being on mushrooms ngl. I got hooked up into it and sat there watching the pretty colors change around for a while, long enough to hear them both talking in russian (Dixiao's native language) which made an unique oportunity for me- it was the first time I had an "interperter" between me and dixiao to bridge the language barrier. So I immediately started asking about the latest developments he had on his recent deer mod(which allows for animal like bone structures in mods). Lomion was very kind of translating between the two and we ended up making some advances on stuff and share information of the innerworkings of things we all 3 been doing.

One thing lead to another and I ended up showing them how hard was to fix a particular issue I had with the offset tech- Many dont notice it but there is a shimmer like effect around offset models, this is caused by a near invisible shader that I havent been able to find despite having invested more than 50 hours across several days to find it.

And there I was heading to the cat's tail to make a full dump so I can show in detail what the issue was, and by mere chance and a combination of unlikely factors made the game glitched in a way that this invisible shader became... visible.... I understand how all of this works and the chances me just happening to run into this are slim if not 0....

Being able to see it certainly made it easy to work on, even then it was hard to but managed to fix most of the issue thanks to that random occurrence. I will try to fully polish it before releasing it and update you guys accordingly.

What I take from this whole situation is that talking with friends about things you are doing and sharing your work with others is what has always helped me advance when I have been stuck. And is not a thing of mere chance, I believe it comes with the process of showing and sharing to one another. The opportunity wouldn't have appeared if it wasn't for that process. So don't be afraid of showing the things you make to others because they are still a bit broken or don't fully work yet- Just show them your progress and let them give input about it, it helps a lot with the creative process as proved on this situation.

Apologies for the wall of text, I just had to share this xD



Ohhh that's a very interesting situation, I do agree with your final conclusion. Often times you can look at the problem from another angle when try to explain it to someone and that helps you see things that you would have missed otherwise. I have a question though about shaders, is tail the best place to hunt for them? I often do it at the starting area or inside a room in the teapot


Teapot is fine but i have several characters placed all over my pot so it makes it bad for me xD catail sends you to a little room when you invite a character over- other good place is the character screen or the tutorial beach. I chose cat tail for this cause i needed some stuff around me as reference for scale