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I finally made some progress on accessory modding!

It has some bugs to iron out still before being good for production but once it is done, you will be able to add an acccesory to any character by simply having their face hash- allowing you to add something to their face without breaking their face animations.

That means accessories like glasses, piercings, eye-patches, face masks, and whatever you may slap on someone's face- even some custom eyelashes ig-

the best part is that this mod wouldn't interfere with whatever mod you have on the character already making it exchangeable without disrupting anything. Also portable form one character to another.

Whence it works properly it will be a powerful customization tool to really personalize your mods beyond what the original mod maker made

I attached some basic tests. you will see broken outlines, fuzzy edges and odd lighting- those are still to be fixed




Yay for glasses