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The $offset value is what defines how much she shifts up or down

Inside the zip file theres an offset.ini that should go inside your /Mods/BufferValues folder

It can be anywhere but you don't need 2 of it for different characters.

In /ShaderFixes you gotta unpack the shaderfixes.zip files.

Please test and lemme know how it goes. Both installation difficulty and how it feels when using her.




i tried messing with the inis on my nilou mod using ur shader fixes and ur ini and i got it to make my nilou float in the air. My question is, what is the offset value referencing? Something in the Shader fixes? or is the shader fix just removing the face from the mesh. looks like all the child bodies will be made with face meshes in blender if they gonna be used in tandom with ur inis


Ah I forgot to post the scale up script..... the offset moves the character up but not face