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Version 0.3

Scenes  (totally 7)

+ A new sexual scene in the slave route

+ A new sexual  scene in the slave route (alternative to the first)

+ A new sexual scene in the slave route

+ A new sexual scene (With the orc-girl)

+ A new sexual scene (will start automatic at day 2 in the slum)

+ A new sexual short scene (At day 2+ in the town (tax-man))

+ A new repeatable scene with variation (dancer job)

Dreams (one night = one dream)

+ A new dream (Trigered from the slave route or town)

+ A new dream (Trigered from the slave route or town)

+ A new dream (Trigered from the slave route or town)

+ A new dream (Trigered from the slave route or town)

+ A new dream (Trigered from the dance job)

+ A new dream (Trigered from the dance job)

+ A new dream (Trigered from the dance job)


+ Added a variation on the alley blowjob scene (Interrupt)

+ A new area (Slave cell)

+ A new area (Brothel in town)

+ Slave route mechanics built on submission points, dirtieness and some skill points.

+ A total of 67 new CG's in the game (Around 170 CG's in the game).

+ A total of 12 new face images.

+ Added a new job at the pub (Can chose to work as wench or dancer now)

+ Added a new job at the pub (Dancer)

+ Remaid the wench job at the pub

+ Added an hint on how the chat system will change when your preferences does. 

(talk with the local townspeople after being kind two times)


- Removed the old wench job

- Removed the dog from the game (RIP)


+ Fixed a bug that prevented the player from saving the game.

+ Fixed a bug where you could move around the curtains. 

+ Fixed dream bug(before they even enter the game)

+ Fixed a dance job bug.

Grab the game from the links below


Make sure to report any bugs and I'll fix them as fast I can! 





dancing doesn't take any energy. After the first dance, the dancing doesn't stop until you say to stop. The rude guy will ask for a beer and the sparkle sparkles in the tavern. You go to get it and return to the rude guy in the tavern that has the bunny girl, he says to come back after you have his drink. You can't his drink. Though this doesn't affect the tavern wench job. Where isthe slums?


On the slave route besides stopping after so many days, there need to be a continuity check on the text. After the girl goes to the cell door and has her first encounter, if she goes back a second time the girl needs to be naked as her clothes were taken and the guy's talk should reflect that. Also, the girl should be making progress in oral sex and that should be reflected in the convrersation.


The first scene will change in newer versions however I figured that you'd like to repeat that scene since there's 4 ways to play it, might have caused a missunderstanding :)