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Like the title says I'm not going to collaborate with BEST MULT CLUB... The only reason is because he's stealing content from another creator and I don't want to sponsor that. It's unfortune but it is what it is... I should have done some research before starting the collaboration and it was only my responsibility to do that. Thanks for the enlightenment Kingmonkeymon  and  
MartaCasas. However we did only discuss plans for the game so I didn't lose time on the other game.

If your a creator and looking for a partner to develop a game I'm intressting, however you do need to know that the project isn't going to have alot of time from my side. 

That's all for now, have a good one!



thank you very much i knew you were a good person


Very educated and smart decision.. Good for you.. Hopefully you will gain more success.. BMC wouldve been very bad publicity for you... Since they ARE theives and their "mod" is laughable, to the point its not even a mod. Side note... I would like to test the game at 0.5 (at least) to see if this project is worth investing in... until then I shall wait. Good luck :) and hopefully I shall become a future patron