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Extra bugfix for the android version. The android is a different project and the original project doesn't have these bugs. Grab the game below.

Fixed the loading crash at startup. 

Google: APK 

Mega: APK 



+ Fixed loading error when open the quest.

+ Before leaving the brothel room it will show you what outfit you have selected.

+ Fixed Debbie being at two places at once while the new scene played.

+ Fixed milking increasing reputation in the orc city.

+ Fixed visiting the pub serving lower rank orcs and minotaurs increase reputation in the orc city.

+ Fixed sleeping with Priapra could lead to never fade in the screen.

+ Fixed going to the orc camp on a day Victoria shouldn't be there allow her to enter the camp. 

+ Fixed watching the scene in the pub first night made it impossible for Sophie to start working in the brothel.
