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Android version takes a little longer to make ready because I have to copy everything into a second project and change certain things. It's available now tho! 

To install the apk you need to turn off the play protect in google play store see the pictures above. You also need to allow third party apps to be installed on your device. Only do this for trusted sources as me!

  1. Go to your phone's Settings.
  2. Go to Security & privacy > More settings.
  3. Tap on Install apps from external sources.
  4. Select the browser you want to download APK files from. (Or the folder if you have already downloaded the app when you start to install it.)
  5. Toggle Allow app installs ON.

Download the APK below

Google: APK 

Mega: APK 

Changelog 3.7.4


+ A new scene with tentacle plant vore (3 animations)

+ A new scene with tentacle plant without vore (3 animations)

+ A new repeatable scene with tentacle plant vore (3 animations)

+ A new repeatable scene with tentacle plant without vore (3 animations)

+ A new scene with green girl, tentacle plant vore (3 animations)

+ A new scene with green girl, tentacle plant without vore (3 animations)

+ A new scene Debbie, Priapra and Sophie (8 animations)

+ A new scene Debbie and Sophie (9 animations)

+ A new repeatable scene Debbie and Sophie (9 animations)

+ A new scene Debbie, Priapra, Victoria and Sophie (6 animations)

+ A new repeatable scene Debbie, Priapra, Victoria and Sophie (6 animations)

+ A new repeatable scene Debbie, Priapra, Victoria and Sophie (6 animations)

Shorter scenes(7)

+ A new scene with Sophie at the brothel.

+ A new repeatable scene with Sophie at the brothel.

+ A new short scene giving birth to eggs without images.

+ A new short scene Bimbo Sarah and Victoria 

+ A new repeatable short scene Bimbo Sarah and Victoria 

+ A new short scene Bimbo Sarah, Victoria and Blake 

+ A new repeatable short scene Bimbo Sarah, Victoria and Blake 



+ Added 53 new pictures (Total: 1825)

+ Added 45 new animations (Total: 741)

+ Relation points for Emma, Julia, Candy, Sophie and Debbie

+ A new map, leaving tunnel

+ A new map, living forest

+ Added bimbo Sarah in the pub

+ Added bimbo Sarah when working as wench

+ Added bimbo Sarah when working as bimbo wench

+ Added Ginger and bimbo Sarah as actors

+ Dublicated the pub for when Sarah is a bimbo

+ Added new item kink question

+ Added new item remove picture

+ Added new item roll back hu-cow

+ Added new item fade in screen

+ Mother instinct, a new aspect of Victoria's mind.

Giving birth will increase her mother instinct, lead to bad ends in

future version.

+ Sophie leaving the brothel will play 50% of the days she work. 

Victoria needs to be close the brothel to see it. 

+ Bimbo Sarah will have high lust 50% of the days. 

Victoria needs to talk to her to be able to introduce Blake. 

+ A new quest Gather the girls. Talk to Sarah if playing on old save to get it.

(If you finish this quest you will lock the game until the next update.)

+ A new unfinished quest, Infiltrate the orc city.

+ New event before sophie scene at the brothel.

+ Changed the way back quest and added a new area to walk through.

+ Added a new item, fixer allows you to move Victoria when she's stuck

+ Changed the drop rate of the key from 1/5 into 1/3

+ Added a new event to cleaning in orc pub, if Victoria doesn't clean

before timer is out a scene plays.


+ Sarah still could be seen with blake before introduction.

+ Variable with hu-cow counter now has an upper limit. 

+ Kinks question item was never given to the player.

+ Remove picture item on screen was never given to the player.

+ Added a new bad end, hu-cow.

+ Added a new item, roll back hu-cow.

+ Fixed needed to have low corruption to help bimbo Sarah.

+ Fixed old quest sometimes talked to the king didn't count.

+ Fixed walking through the tunnel missed the living forest part.

+ Fixed bimbo scene with Sarah faded out screen.

+ Added a new key item which fade in screens, to fix states like the one above. 




Sophie s brothel scenes don't work on Android

Jenny Salissa

Maybe I'm asking a redundant question here, but how would I go about this forest/vore path?


You should walk through the forest when Victoria escape from the orc city.