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More bugs catched! 



+ Changed the starting position (You can’t start on top of an event for some reasons…)

+ Fixed a bug showed wrong clothe when you start the game…

+ Fixed a the text box at mall it’s says that your supposed to use “x” and “c” when it’s

“a” and “d” you’re supposed to use.

+ Fixed a quest that prevented from being completed in quest list, but you’ll get the

reward anyway. (Slum old lady’s shop quest)

+ Fixed wrongly movable tiles in the slum.

+ Fixed some background music issues, wrongly made by me from the start.

+ Fixed wrongly movable tiles at the mall + the door to the change room.

+ Fixed a bug when status picture showed up again after a scene have played.

+ Fixed a bug that didn’t show the doors to magic and weapon shop at Nugkor when it was night time.



otherwise it looks like it will be a good game, is there a list somewhere of the differences between the demo and the patron version? also when is the next update due as i am interested in supporting.


Your not supposed to deliver the package, enter the tent and you'll see sparkling things. Thanks for reporting that bug I know exactly whats wrong! I update the game these dates every month 1th and 15th, 15th is only for patrons who pledges are over 10$.


<a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/version-0-2-0-6004341">https://www.patreon.com/posts/version-0-2-0-6004341</a> Difference between demo and current version.


IF i pledged now when would i get the next version of the game? Are you part of the patreon instant payment option? Also there is a bug with gym lady. I got it to the point i was meant to have a date and then didn't turn up. The next day i went in to the gym and it picked up the date like she was there.


Next month unfortunately, I want to become one of the creators with the pay upfront option but I just can't change to it yet. There's only some lucky "bastards" who could try it. Since its a new thing on patreon they're not finished with it and have some problems as well like the payment being late etc. I'm happy to hear that you want to support me! It really means alot, without the help from my patrons the game development would struggle!