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I'm going to try out monthly contests. Where anyone can write their own "rape on lose" scene with any creature they like. Uxerath is a place where many strange creatures lives so don't hesitate that your creature can't live there...

So sum, the contest is about writing a text scene (150-300 words) where Lisa is getting used by a creature after she loses a battle, how and by how many is up to you! You can also write a variation of the existing creatures like slime monster, gargoyles or the plant.

The winner gets one month with the rewards from the 10$ tiers. Which pretty much is getting versions of the game the 1th and the 15th. Depending on how many who's competing their will be second rewards like 2-5 get rewards from 5$ tiers.

If your already a patron and wants to win, no problem then your price will be a month uppgrade to the next tiers i.e. if your pledge is 2$ or 5$ and you win you get 10$, but if your 10$ and win you get 30$ rewards for one month. or 30$ you get 50$ rewards for one month

Hope you'll get my point...

mail your contribution to: truelytherealwhiteraven@gmail.com

Let your creativity flow, godspeed to everyone!



if only my English was slightly better... sorry xD


Hey give it a shot! I mean, what can you lose? I'm sure your english is great! :)