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No I have not abandoned you all just because I didn't post last week. We were a bit off, having Mondays late on the week. That's why I decided to wait and post on an actual Monday. Big surprise! 

Anyway, part from working on releasing the android version I have been working on new bimbo dreams. In the end of the dream sequence Victoria can reach an orgasm if she decides to, which will let the player control how long Victoria will stay as a bimbo. Since Victoria need to reach orgasms as a bimbo to not transfer back to her normal self. If she don't orgasm she will have high arousal and will cum in the first sex scene. I'm considering adding a NPC that will lower Victoria's arousal to make it easier to transform back to normal Victoria. Considering using Juliette to this task since she already have purifying and curing the cum addiction too. What do you think? 

I'm writing the next story quest and was thinking about vore plants. The castle and the town has some lore behind the change which is just mentioned briefly. This could be the same with plants. The malice of these creatures causes not only structures and castles to change but plants too, some plants could even come to life and haunt living creatures and of course this would be the forest around the orc city. I was thinking about giving the plants an female character that kind of looks after them too, tricks people close enough to get eaten alive. This of course is just something I got sidetracked into while writing the new quest, what do you all think about it? 

Lastly I'm waiting for the animations from Martiandawn and SightUnseen to finish, so that I can add the sex scenes into the game which will be enough content to update the game. 

I'm happy with the recent changes to the game and I hope you all are too. I read about recent changes to discord, adding threads to a channel. This could be very good usage for writing suggestions in the game. I could create one thread for each bigger character and even create new threads with requests from you all. So I'm considering changing up the discord server a bit, delete some old channels that's not used frequently and add some new rooms. Is there some room you are missing on the server? Is there any rooms you wish to keep?

That's all for this time. Thank you all for another week together, we're slowly but surely making this house into the greatest of all time! 

Yours truly WhiteRaven




I like your bimbo image. Happy to see that this path continues as it is my jam and for the moment it is a bit of a dead end. :) Plant thing with tentacle could be ok. But instead of eating her she could have flowers producing an aphrodiasac. The plant women should be slim as I think there are already a few big guys in the game. Just my take of cause


Ya'll are so nice towards Victoria, the plants need food to survive and they are evil now because they were awoke by the malice. I mean of course they will fuck her too. Is it really that bad that they get a little snack too? Yea the bimbo path need a lot of work, it's very strange as it is right now.


Yes, tentacles and then after awhile/a different plant become vore. The aphrodisiac is a good idea too, but maybe only to where it leads her to have sex with plants more and more-leading her to bad end?


True it all sounds like a good concept. For me the plants just need to get something else than water and sun once they become actual living creatures. The vore content could of course be a kink that you can turn off like some of the other kinks.