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This house is still standing here. Strong frame with beams needed for structural greatness. Broad and well designed roof to protect us from the stormy weather. It was once a well managed house with a beautiful garden. Things tend to fall apart when none is looking after it.

- WhiteRaven are you high or something? The fuck was that all about?

- I was just...

- No you're not a poet, finish the update we want!

Okay seriously tho, I wanted to write some metaphor about how great we all built this house together and how it have because of my head injury slowly falling apart. This house is of course A New Dawn and it is still standing here just in need of some love.

We continue in a more serious fashion. The reason for leaving the house empty for a while, was like thunder from blue skies, I lost my eye-sight when I was working on the game. Not completely gone. I could not read or write and the whole world became blurry with a large dark spot in the center.

They say it's probably because of recent stress and not because my subarachnoid hemorrhage. You get tensed when you have had troubled eyes ever since the accident and suddenly start losing your eye-sight. Anyway, I was ordered to relax more and not think about work. So that's what I've been doing.

Now, I'm grateful for all the supporters staying through the rough times! We built this house together and it's time to give this lady the glow she deserves.

On that note, the update is soon ready I have changed the slave intro, added whipping scenes with punishments. New pregnant milking hu-cow scenes. A new scene with Victoria's mother, new paypig event with Blake's friends and tons of animation updates trying to solve the freezing bug once and for all. It just need a finishing touch connecting the scenes and such things. Expect the update ready around next week.

Once again, thank you, yes you! For reading, participating and supporting the game creation. Without you this would not be a possibility.

Cheers! Yours truly WhiteRaven




This is really the best news I have heard in a long time. It has been a tough year for all of us. For some much tougher than others. I am glad to hear you are able to work on the old house again.


Oh, it's very sad to hear from you such news. Get well soon and take good care of yourself! I am glad that you have made good progress and the update will be ready soon.