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- Hah! You thought I was dead didn't you?! 

- Uhm... no... I mean... 


- That was an excessive profanity...

I promise, there's nothing wrong with me, more than usual that is. The new update still need more time, I'm sorry for being absent again. Just a lot of things going on in my real life I'm guessing you can say the same too. Though it's not the only bad thing, daz did some update which ruined a lot for our animators which caused them to work a lot more than they usually need to. Crashing drivers and deleting files which caused both Martiandawn and SightUnseen to create animations over and over. 

Some previews can be seen on my twitter link above. We're getting close to an update now, and this will be a lot bigger than the last one with around 50 new animations taking place in the orc city!

I need to finish up these scenes and wait for the last few renders to finish. Crossing fingers that it won't mess up again! There will be a poll in the future too with the tax man in focus and another one with bad endings. This will only be for patrons though. 

Thanks for your support even during these weird times! Cheers for future weeks together, where you'll have to read more of my split personality. :)  


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